Lecture Hall Building
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

910Welcome and Introduction
Session 1: 915 - 1045
Chair: Hartmut Noltemeier (Würzburg)
915 The Path of a Triangulation Oswin Aichholzer (Graz)
945 New Results on Minimum Weight Triangulations and the LMT-Skeleton Reinhard Hainz, Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer (Graz)
1015 Approximate Center Points in Dense Point Sets Knut Verbarg (Würzburg)
1045 - 1115Coffee Break
1115 - 1205Invited Talk
1115 Maintenance of Geometric Configurations under Continuous Object Motion Leonidas J. Guibas (Stanford)
1215 - 1345Lunch Break
Session 2: 1345 - 1515
Chair: Ferran Hurtado (Barcelona)
1345 Visibility Edges, Mixed Edges and Unique Triangulation Jay Bagga (Ball State U), Laxmi Gewali (U Nevada at Las Vegas), Simeon Ntafos (U Texas at Dallas)
1415 Horizon Trees versus Pseudo-Triangulations Michel Pocchiola (ENS Paris)
1445 How to Draw a Delaunay Diagram with a Given Topology Kokichi Sugihara (Tokyo), Tetsuya Hiroshima (Japanese Ministry of Defense)
1515 - 1545 Coffee Break
1545 - 1635Invited Talk
1545 Geometric Methods in Locational Analysis Horst Hamacher (Kaiserslautern)
Session 3: 1645 - 1815
Chair: Rolf Klein (Hagen)
1645 Robot Localization: Theory and Implementation Oliver Karch, Hartmut Noltemeier, Thomas Wahl (Würzburg)
1715 Efficient Robot Self-Localization in Simple Polygons Sven Schuierer (Freiburg)
1745 An Universal Sensor-based Navigation Algorithm to Select a Shorter Deadlock-free Path Hiroshi Noborio (Osaka)
1930 Workshop Dinner
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1997
Session 4: 845 - 945
Chair: Michel Pocchiola (Paris)
845 Three Simple and Efficient Algorithms for Jordan Sorting Eduard Sojka (Ostrava)
915 Orthogonal Least Squares Fitting by Conic Sections and Other Algebraic Curves and Surfaces with a Special Two-Step Descent Method Helmut Spaeth (Oldenburg)
945 - 1015 Coffee Break
Session 5: 1015 - 1115
Chair: Kokichi Sugihara (Tokyo)
1015 Geometric Tree Graphs C. Hernando, Ferran Hurtado (Barcelona), A. Marquez (Sevilla), M. Mora, M. Noy (Barcelona)
1045 Configurations between Geometry and Combinatorics Harald Gropp (Heidelberg)
1120 - 1210Invited Talk
1120 Surfaces based on Voronoi Diagrams
Gerald Farin (ASU Tempe)
1215 - 1345 Lunch Break
Session 6: 1345 - 1445
Chair: Hiroshi Noborio (Osaka)
1345 Robust Proximity Queries: An Illustration of Degree-driven Algorithm Design
Giuseppe Liotta (La Sapienza Roma), Franco P. Preparata (Brown U), Roberto Tamassia (Brown U)
1415 Convex Hull in non-planar Surfaces
J. C. Dana, C. I. Grima, Alberto Márquez (Sevilla)
1445 - 1515 Coffee Break
1515 - 1605Invited Talk
1515 Geometric Methods in Pattern and Shape Matching
Helmut Alt (Berlin)
Session 7: 1615 - 1815
Chair: Gerald Farin (Tempe)
1615 Polyhedral Approximation of 3D Objects from Scattered Boundary Points
Thomas Schreiber (Kaiserslautern)
1645 Combinatorial Structure of Dirichlet Partitions
Daciana Bochis, M. Mazon (Santander)
1715 A Java Applet for the Dynamic Visualization of Voronoi Diagrams
Christian Icking, Rolf Klein, Peter Koellner, Lihong Ma (Hagen)
1745 Distributed Computation of Mixed Volume
Ioannis Z. Emiris, Thierry Giordano (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
1815 End of workshop