Preliminary Program
Sunday, March 25th |
18:00 - 22:00 | Registration and welcome reception at the
Harnack House |
Monday, March 26th |
8:00 | Registration at the Institute of Computer Science |
9:00 | Welcome |
9:10 | Bounded-degree Pseudo-triangulations of Points |
| Lutz Kettner, Andrea Mantler, Jack Snoeyink, Bettina Speckmann, Fumihiko Takeuchi |
9:30 | On compatible triangulations of point sets |
| Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Hannes Krasser |
9:50 | On Flips in Polyhedral Surfaces |
| Oswin Aichholzer, Lyuba S. Alboul, Ferran Hurtado |
10:10 | Transforming triangulations of polygons on non planar surfaces |
| C. Cortés, C.I. Grima, F. Hurtado, A. Márquez, F. Santos, J. Valenzuela |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Connected Area Partitioning |
| Susan Hert |
11:20 | Covering Polygons with Few Rectangles |
| Michael Hoffmann |
11:40 | A linear time algorithm for computing the minimum perimeter triangle enclosing a convex polygon |
| Binay Bhattacharya, Asish Mukhopadhyay |
12:00 | A Linear-Time Algorithm to Compute The Optimal Bridge Connecting Two Disjoint Convex Polygons |
| Leonidas Palios |
12:20 | Bridging Convex Regions and Related Problems |
| Hee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin |
12:40 | Lunch |
14:00 | Invited Lecture: |
| Surface Reconstruction By Spatial Neighborhood Graphs |
| Heinrich Müller,
Universität Dortmund |
15:00 | Break |
15:10 | The Virtual Cell Project for the Investigation of Microalgal Morphology and Dispersity of Natural Phytoplankton |
| A.M. Lyakh, V.S. Mukhanov, R.B. Kemp |
15:30 | Long Proteins with Unique Optimal Foldings in the H-P Model |
| Oswin Aichholzer, David Bremner, Erik D. Demaine, Henk Meijer, Vera Sacristán, Michael Soss |
15:50 | Coffee Break |
16:20 | Infeasibility of Systems of Halfspaces |
| Stefan Felsner, Nicole Morawe |
16:40 | Cutting Circles into Pseudo-segments and Improved Bounds for Incidences |
| Boris Aronov, Micha Sharir |
17:00 | Another lower bound for Hopcroft's problem |
| Peter Braß |
17:20 | The Grid Placement Problem |
| P. Bose, A. Maheshwari, P. Morin, J. Morrison |
17:40 | Business meeting |
Tuesday, March 27th |
9:00 | Invited Lecture: |
| Unique Sink Orientations of Cubes |
| Emo Welzl, ETH Zürich |
10:00 | Break |
10:10 | Infimaximal Frames - A Technique for making Lines Look LikeSegments |
| Kurt Mehlhorn, Michael Seel |
10:30 | Snap Rounding Revisited |
| Eli Packer, Dan Halperin |
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:20 | On the Complexity of Halfspace Area Queries |
| Stefan Langermann |
11:40 | Intersection searching problems in general settings |
| Vladlen Koltun |
12:00 | Time-Space tradeoffs for exact L_\infty Nearest Neighbor Search in High Dimensions |
| Laura Heinrich-Litan |
12:20 | Labeling Points with Weights |
| Sheung-Hung Poon, Chan-Su Shin, Tycho Strijk, Alexander Wolff |
12:40 | Lunch |
14:00 | A comparative application of convex hull algorithms in two and three dimensions |
| Kyriakos Zervoudakis and Joannis Z. Emiris |
14:20 | Minimizing the Convex Hull via Local Transfers |
| Paz Carmi, matthew J. Katz |
14:40 | Order-k Voronoi Diagrams |
| Julia Flötotto , Mariette Yvinec |
15:00 | The Farthest Color Voronoi Diagram and Related Problems |
| M. Abellanas, F. Hurtado, C. Icking, R. Klein, E. Langetepe, L. Ma, B. Palop, and V. Sacristán |
15:20 | Coffee Break |
| |
15:50 | Optimal, Suboptimal, and Robust Algorithms for Proximity Graphs |
| F. Hurtado, G. Liotta, H. Meijer |
16:10 | Planar shape reconstruction from random sections |
| N. Coll, J.A. Sellarès |
16:30 | Regular Interpolants |
| Edmond Boyer, Sylvain Petitjean |
16:50 | Surface Reconstruction in Almost Linear Time under Locally Uniform Sampling |
| T. Dey, S. Funke, E. Ramos |
19:30 | Conference Dinner |
Wednesday, March 28th |
9:00 | Invited Lecture: |
| A Geometric Basis for Visualizing Time-dependent Volume Data |
| Jack Snoeyink, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill |
10:00 | Break |
10:10 | A Characterization of the Class of Polygons Searchable by a 1-Searcher |
| Sang-Min Park, Jae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa |
10:30 | Guarding disjoint triangles and claws in the plane |
| Csaba D. Tóth |
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:20 | On the k-systems of a Simple Polytope |
| M. Joswig, V. Kaibel, F. Körner |
11:40 | Polytope Verification by Homology Computation |
| Michael Joswig, Günter Ziegler |
12:00 | Computing a Canonical Polygonal Schema of an Orientable Triangulated Surface |
| F. Lazarus, M. Pocchiola, G. Vegter, A. Verroust |
12:20 | Applications of the Cayley Trick to triangulations of polytopes |
| Francisco Santos |
12:40 | Lunch |
14:00 | Approximating the
Diameter of a Set of Points in the Presence of Rectangular Obstacles |
| B. Ben-Moshe, M. Katz |
14:20 | From Experiments to Theory: Optimal Weighted Links |
| Ovidiu Daescu |
14:40 | Reaching a point with a linkage in two attached squares |
| A. Mohades, M. Razzazi |
15:00 | Bounding the Fréchet distance by the Hausdorff distance |
| Helmut Alt, Christian Knauer, Carola Wenk |
15:20 | Coffee Break |
15:50 | Steiner Hull in \theta(n\log n) Time |
| Pawel Winter |
16:10 | Dilation free graphs in L1-metric |
| J. Cáceres, C.I. Grima, A. Márquez, A. Moreno-González |
16:30 | Sets of lines and cutting out polyhedral objects |
| J. Jaromczyk, M. Kowaluk |
16:50 | On the Manufacturability of Paperclips and Sheet Metal Structures |
| E. Arkin, S. Fekete, J. Mitchell, S. Skiena |
17:10 | Improving Rogers'
upper bound for the density of unit ball packings in Euclidean
d-space for all d> = 8 |
| Károly Bezdek |
Thursday, March 29th |
| Excursion |